Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Bangalore, a story so often spoken about

The heading would have evoked different thoughts from differrent people. Known as a pensioner's paradise
at one time, it is slowly turning out to be a curse of the devil.
Whatever, as of today, the first thought that comes to our mind is the IT and Software Industry. It has lured
people by the millions to migrate to Bangalore. There is a richness about Bangalore. Yes, richness in all sense of
the word except…you know what.
What would you do when a few guests are arriving to your house? Start preparing the house? Look out for temporary
solutions to some problems. What would you do if a few or more people are coming to permanently stay in your house?
You would start thinking of making permanent arrangements for them. Especially when they are going to pay big for
their stay. Extend this theory to a city.
People moving in big time to the city. People generating business, earning for themselves, making others earn, making the city rich.
What do they expect? Some basic requirements to be fulfilled to start with. Some good roads for transportation without craters.
A good drainage system. A good accomodation where water doesn’t enter thru the door! A good residential area where your car doesn't
submerge every other day. Take away all these requirements and what have you got? Bangalore!
People talk of a roof over the head to protect us from rain. But rain enters here thru the door! Can I sue the government for
damaging my back? Can I ask for compensation for the promotion I missed? I missed my promotion for not meeting deadlines.
I missed the deadline as I couldn't reach my workplace on time. Thanks for the excellent roads you provided.
I thought I had got my physics right. Everything goes down the drain(pun intended). But the drains here spew sewer up it!
If …
Oh my my…I left this incomplete article overnight. Today morning, some political party has called the IT bosses as 'underworld dons'.
All for what? For asking for their right? For speaking for people who couldn't speak for themselves? For getting in tons of money
into the state coffers? They claim that the s/w companies have been given lot of tax benefits. Why? To bring them in and to fill in
the coffers indirectly.
I fully agree with Ayn Rand in 'Atlas Shrugged'. Let the producers boycott and see what happens to the leechers.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Life is Ephemeral

This is not a general rambling or an intellectual musing. It is a thought, something that depicts that I too think!
To the phobics of the english language, ephemeral means that which isn't eternal, which is likely to, which will pass off.
'Life is Ephemeral', this thought haunts me. If I knew I may just spend about 20000 days in this world would I be
doing what I am doing now? It may have a positive or a negative effect in me. But whatever be the effect, I sincerely
feel that this fact should be thought about to ease ourselves in life. Whether we have good times or bad times, everything will
pass away. This summarizes the ephemeralism of life. The turmoils of life would cease to take huge proportions. I once
again reiterate that this thought should be taken in a positive, constructive manner. It should be used to enhance the value
of our life and get past the trivialities of life.
When we sit and introspect about our life and what went wrong and what went right in it, it is the undue seriousness that
we attributed to the useless trivialities of life, how we made it big and lost out that stands out. For instance, there are cases
where relationships have broken because one partner didn't like the kind of dress the other was wearing. Is this a reason for
strife? There have been murders for the sake of a little money.
Think. Project yourself 30 years forward. Would this trivial fight matter then? It would look childish, immature.Try to see the
world from 1 Km height. However a person is, they'll look so small, puny, vulnerable. That also helps us to understand the miseries
of others. Your problem is greater than mine. This piece of writing is not to make a patchwork on a fractured thinking, but to
direct our thinking to prevent it from getting fractured.